Matt J Thompson Apps

AS Symptom Tracker 1.0.5
Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptom Trackerwillallow you to assess and keep track of the severity ofyoursymptoms, help you understand what your assessment scores mean,andallow you to share your scores with your doctor. You can backupyour data to a secure cloud for use on multiple devices, buttheapp is fully functional offline as well.The app uses the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitisquestionnairesvalidated by scientists and used world-wide byrheumatologists andAS researchers. We use data from a study ofnearly 3000 ASsufferers to help you interpret your symptom severityand how theycompare to others'. We also use validated minimalclinicallyimportant differences to let you know if severity scoreshavechanged significantly from last assessment. Scientificreferencesare available in the app, but you can also contact usforstatistical queries.AS Symptom Tracker was developed independently by a groupconsistingof an AS sufferer, a computer programmer, arheumatologist and adata scientist. We will never analyze or shareyour data withoutyour permission, but we are interested in helpingAS by contributingto research in the future. This is an area underdevelopment butpending financial support. If you share our visionto improve careof AS, please ask your local AS charity to supportus or pledge adonation, so we can maintain, update and improve theapp. We welcomeyour comments and suggestions. Please drop us aline! Thank you!